Touchscreen vs Non-Touchscreen Laptops

August 15, 2021

Touchscreen vs Non-Touchscreen Laptops

Are you in the market for a new laptop? One of the biggest decisions you'll make when choosing a laptop is whether or not to get a touchscreen display. While it may seem like a simple decision, there are actually pros and cons to each technology. In this blog post, we'll break down the differences between touchscreen and non-touchscreen laptops and help you decide which one is right for you.

Touchscreen Laptops

Touchscreen laptops are becoming more and more popular thanks to their ease of use and versatility. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  • Touchscreen displays are great for productivity. If you spend a lot of time working in apps like Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite, a touchscreen display can be a great way to speed up your workflow. You can pinch to zoom, scroll with your fingers, and easily select text or objects with a tap.
  • Touchscreen displays are great for entertainment. Whether you're streaming movies or playing games, a touchscreen display can make the experience more immersive. You can swipe through menus, interact with characters, and control your game with just your fingers.
  • Touchscreen displays are great for education. If you're a student or educator, a touchscreen display can be a great way to take notes or interact with your course materials. You can write directly on the screen with a stylus or finger, making it easier to annotate and highlight important information.


  • Touchscreen displays are more expensive. If you're on a tight budget, a touchscreen display may not be the best choice. Touchscreen laptops can cost several hundred dollars more than their non-touchscreen counterparts.
  • Touchscreen displays can be heavier. Touchscreen displays require extra hardware to work, which means they can add weight to your laptop. If you're looking for something lightweight and portable, a non-touchscreen laptop might be a better choice.
  • Touchscreen displays can drain battery life. Because touchscreen displays require more power to function, they can drain your laptop's battery faster than a non-touchscreen display. If you need long battery life, a non-touchscreen laptop might be a better choice.

Non-Touchscreen Laptops

Non-touchscreen laptops are the traditional option, but that doesn't mean they don't have their own advantages. Let's take a look at some pros and cons:


  • Non-touchscreen displays are cheaper. If you're looking for a budget-friendly laptop, a non-touchscreen display might be the way to go. You can save several hundred dollars by opting for a non-touchscreen display.
  • Non-touchscreen displays are lighter. Without the extra hardware needed to support touch functionality, non-touchscreen laptops tend to be lighter and more portable. If you're on the go a lot, a non-touchscreen laptop might be the better choice.
  • Non-touchscreen displays have longer battery life. Because non-touchscreen displays require less power to function, they can provide longer battery life than a touchscreen display. If you need your laptop to last all day, a non-touchscreen display might be the way to go.


  • Non-touchscreen displays aren't as versatile. Without touch functionality, you may be limited in how you can interact with your laptop. For example, scrolling with a mouse or trackpad can be slower and less intuitive than using your fingers.
  • Non-touchscreen displays aren't as immersive. While you can still enjoy entertainment on a non-touchscreen display, you may miss out on some of the interactivity that a touchscreen display can provide.
  • Non-touchscreen displays aren't as educational. If you're a student or educator, you may find it harder to take notes or interact with course materials on a non-touchscreen display. You may need to use a separate device like a tablet or smartpen to get the same functionality.

Final Thoughts

So, should you get a touchscreen or non-touchscreen laptop? The answer depends on your needs and budget. If you're willing to spend more for added versatility and interactivity, a touchscreen display might be a great choice. If you're on a tight budget or need something lightweight and portable, a non-touchscreen display might be the way to go. Whatever you choose, make sure to do your research and read reviews to find the best laptop for you.


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